Worklily, IBM

So proud that I had the chance to "pin" this web project on my "wall of achievement" here! is a freelance platform bringing together tech and talent: IT professionals and tech service suppliers.

And what an honor for me it was to enhance this communication going both ways:

  • putting experts from Canada's tech sector (one struggling with a talent shortage) into the spotlight, offering them tempting freelance opportunities
  • helping out companies operating in this sector grow by enhancing their "access" to these tech professionals, by providing them with the perfect "fuel" of talent and expertise for their short-term projects

My Part in This Project:

My main task has been to add specific, context-sensitive functionality to the platform. So, for achieving this goal I needed to build custom Drupal modules that would serve this platform-specific required functionality.

Besides harnessing Drupal's power and flexibility, I relied a lot on Laravel's (another innovative web technology used for powering this project) MVC architecture. It was the perfect choice for speeding up the whole development process, without compromising the final result's high performance.

Moreover, it helped me deliver those from Worklily an easy-to-maintain platform (and enabling my clients to administer their websites with great ease, in other words to grow independent, is one of my key goals whenever I'm working on a project).

The result:

An increasingly popular platform which this year was launched as service on (the very first one) on IMB Canada's Marketplace page.

It continues to gain popularity as a "meeting point" between tech professionals (talented developers and and designers) and Canadian companies from the IT sector on a lookout for experienced talents, with specific expertise, to help them carry out their web and mobile projects. And, therefore, to help them grow.

Moreover (and this is surely no "small detail"), Worklily now stands out on Markteplace as a service with a streamlined transaction process, too.